The Search for our
6th Bishop Diocesan
Welcome to the Bishop Search information portal for the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin (EDSJ). This site will continue to be expanded throughout the search and transition process. Explore all the portal pages to see access to the Diocesan Survey, Updates & News, Timeline, Prayer Resources and more to come in the future.
Our Current Focus: The Nomination/Application window is now open through February 28, 2025:
The Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin has begun the search process for its sixth Bishop. This is your invitation to discover who we are as a diocese, our vision for mission, our dreams for building strong and inclusive congregations and our hope in exploring new paths of engagement with our neighbors. Ask yourself, is the Holy Spirit calling you to join with us as our new shepherd? Will you be the one who will listen and lead, discover and discern with us, as we work together as the people of God? Please, prayerfully consider this invitation.
If you have discerned a calling to the ministry of Bishop Diocesan in EDSJ we would welcome your application.
Follow the links above to view and download our Diocesan Profile and application documents. The final page of the Profile contains Application Instructions which are also stated in the "Information - How to Apply" button above. The fillable "Application Form" must be downloaded prior to filling. The "Consent & Authorization Form" must also be signed and returned.
If you would like to nominate someone for us to consider, please contact the Rev. Suzy Ward for more information on this process: suzyvisalia @gmail.com.
We pray that you who read this profile will find yourself “Called to be…” a shepherd, a leader, a Bishop to our Diocese who will listen, who will dream and who will continue to build a vision of hope and love, in vibrant and faithful communities.
We pray you will look hopefully upon the people and the work begun here and find yourself being tugged by the Spirit to join with us as we build faith communities whose lives are shaped and formed as we live out our baptismal covenant.​
On the Horizon: The Nominations/Application Window Closes February 28,2025 and Interviews Begin!
​Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a bishop for this Diocese, that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. - BCP pg. 818