Major Steps in the Bishop Search Process
The Standing Committee has begun the search process for the 6th Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin. A Search Consultant is being engaged to assist their efforts. The Search Committee will be officially formed after the Diocesan Convention in early November where specific changes to our existing Canons and Rules of Order concerning the Bishop Election process will be addressed. Overall, the process shown in the graphic above can be viewed in three phases - preparing a diocesan profile, collecting nominations, and screening the applicants.
The first phase is already in process. A survey, customized for EDSJ and in both English and Spanish, will be available to all members of the diocese for four weeks. It will be followed by live listening sessions throughout our three deaneries and multiple Zoom opportunities, again in both English and Spanish. Watch this space for details concerning dates and locations. The survey and listening sessions will provide valuable input as we prepare a diocesan profile. The profile provides a look at EDSJ for those that may submit their names for consideration as our next Bishop Diocesan. It answers questions such as “Who are we?”, “Where is God calling us for the future?” and “What qualities are important in our next bishop?” The profile will be finalized by December after members of the Standing Committee are joined by others as the Search Committee is formed.
The second phase is the nomination process. The diocese will announce this opportunity through various channels. Every interested individual will submit an information package for us to evaluate.
The third phase is the vetting process. The Search Committee will review the nominations, check references, and interview the final candidates at a retreat at ECCO. A slate of final candidates will be presented. These candidates will make in-person visits around the diocese, referred to as "walkabouts". The 6th Bishop of San Joaquin will be elected at a special diocesan convention on October 18, 2025. Once elected, our diocese requests "consents" or approval from the other Episcopal dioceses. The new bishop-elect will be ordained and consecrated as San Joaquin's bishop prior to the retirement and departure of Bishop David in March of 2026.