School for Deacons
and Center for Learning
A Message from Bishop David Rice
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Soon after our arrival in The Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin in 2014, it became evident to me that one of our areas of potential development and growth regarded the Office of Deacon. And so, after praying and pondering I began to say that God was calling a Deacon from and into every Episcopal Community throughout this Diocese. Of course, I quickly discovered that there were particular “educative pieces” missing which would be necessary for the discernment and development of those who are called. We needed to educate local communities to understand the work of the deacon in order to discern who might be called to that particular set aside ministry. And we needed a training and formation opportunity so that a “diaconal path” could be created and developed. This has led us to offering some basic “Diaconal 101” opportunities at the deanery and local level. In addition, it has led us to launch The Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin’s School for Deacons and Center for Learning.

I want to commend the School for Deacons and Center of Learning to you. Whether you are discerning a potential call to the Diaconate or you simply wish to be a part of the learning community with other sisters and brothers, I can assure you this experience will be memorable and rewarding. I have long believed that a learning community makes for a healthy community. I do hope you will choose to be a part of this learning community. The Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin’s School for Deacons and Center for Learning.
Bishop of The Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin And Instructor in Christian Ethics SfDs & CL